Queen Nefertiti Bust




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The Outer Gallery

Here are some carefully chosen links for you to peruse Amarna art all over the web. On the way, you will visit most of the famous museums that house pieces from the Amarna period. Feel free to visit for a while and enjoy their collections.

  • Stop #1: At the Metropolitan Museum of Art, one can find a splendid but unsung fragment of yellow stone. This is believed to be a part of a sculpture of one of Akhenaten's queens.
  • Stop #2: To complement the last sensuous piece of stone, take a look at this fragment of a statue of Akhenaten, also from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Much can be read in this small piece.
  • Stop #3: Now see Akhenaten in colossal form, as he stood at Karnak. These sculptures were created early in his reign, their form wildly contrasting the artistic rules of previous centuries. See also this view of a full surviving statue. This is the young, idealistic pharaoh, looking to the horizon, to the akhet.
  • Stop #4: Akhenaten founded a new city, Akhet-aten, for the worship of the great god Aten. This boundary stelae reports on his choice of the site (dictated by the Aten) and his plans for the great temples and palaces to be built there. Akhenaten did indeed build this great new city, though it was to be inhabited for all too short a time.
  • Stop #5: The Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung in Berlin houses the beautiful bust of Nefertiti. This haunting image of perfection was carved thousands of years ago, and lay buried in the desert sands until the past century, when it was dug up by the Germans, who then tricked the British into letting them keep it. It was found in the workshop of a sculptor named Thutmose at Akhet-aten, where numerous beautiful statues were dug up.
  • Stop #6: The Louvre houses the beautiful sculpted body of Nefertiti from another statue. 'Nefer' means "beautiful" or "perfect" in Ancient Egyptian, and Nefertiti's full name was Neferneferuaten Nefertiti, which could be roughly translated "The Perfection of the Beauty of the Aten, The Beautiful One has Come". Perhaps this is overdoing it. But take a look at this lovely torso.
  • Stop #7: Also found in the workshop of the sculptor Thutmose was an unfinished sculpture of Akhenaten kissing one of his daughters. These touching family scenes, rarely seen in other years, were one of the most common themes for Amarna art.
  • Stop #8: A particularly touching stelae from Akhet-aten shows Nefertiti sitting on the lap of Akhenaten, both holding their daughters, whose feet only show in the portion we have left.
  • Stop #9: The last picture is from Amarna Art, an exploration of Amarna art by Megaera Lorenz worth perusing.
  • Exit: For more Amarna art, visit our Amarna Art Section, our Interior Gallery, our Art Web Links, or look at some of the beautiful books available at our Bookshop.

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maintained by Kate Stange (email / webpage)
Content Copyright © 1996-2000.
Last updated March 1, 2000.